Get involved in activities and citizen science projects that help protect the environment, contribute to society and to a more sustainable planet. You can make a difference!
I’ll post things here as I come across them. Please feel free to comment below and add events happening near you.
Echidna Conservation Science Initiative
End date: Ongoing
“We want to learn more about echidnas! Where they are, what they are doing and if they are healthy – so we can work towards their conservation. How can you help? By taking photos and collecting scats (i.e. poo).”
GET INVOLVED by downloading the app and get poo hunting!
10/08/2018 Sustainable Development News article:
We’re all going on a scat hunt: how citizen science can help save echidnas | The Guardian
AUSTRALIA – Not everyone would be delighted to receive 150 echidna poo samples in the post but Tahlia Perry was thrilled. The PhD researcher is part of the University of Adelaide’s Grutzner Lab team studying the molecular biology of echidnas and the best way to collect the monotremes’ hormones is by testing their scats. In February, Guardian Australia put a call out for citizen scientists to participate in the project by downloading the echidna CSI free app and sending through their scat samples – and the team has been inundated.
The Australian Microplastic Assessment Project (AUSMAP)
End date: Ongoing
“AUSMAP is the first nation-wide citizen science initiative for surveying shorelines, to educate and engage students and communities and to obtain widespread reliable data on the presence of microplastic particles in Australian aquatic environments.
“AUSMAP is an ambitious new national coalition of high profile environmental groups, universities and educators. We are gathering crucial new data about microplastic in the marine environment: how much is out there, where it is and where is it coming from? The only way we can do this is with YOUR HELP. AUSMAP citizen science activities are being developed for high schools, environmental education centres and community groups.
“Together, we can ACT, LEARN and CREATE CHANGE, for healthy oceans and clean beaches.“
09/07/2018 Sustainable Development News article:
Microplastics project to record amount, location and origin of pollution in the oceans | ABC News
AUSTRALIA – A global citizen science project launched in Sydney will recruit students and volunteers to count and record some of the five trillion pieces of plastic in the oceans. The Australian Microplastic Assessment Project (AUSMAP) will train volunteers to collect micro and macroplastics from coastlines all over Australia. Program director Dr Michelle Blewitt said the aim was to obtain data about the amount of plastic in the marine environment, where it is and where it’s originating from.
CSIRO Energise app
End date: Ongoing
“The national science agency is calling on all Australians to be part of its energy research by providing valuable information that will improve understanding of the way households consume, generate and interact with energy.” CSIRO will contact you periodically with a short survey to ask about your energy usage over time. This research will be used to “guide research and decisions about Australia’s energy future”, hopefully in renewables 😉
You can GET INVOLVED by downloading the CSIRO Energise app.
20/06/2018 Sustainable Development News article:
New app plugs in to people power | CSIRO
The national science agency is calling on all Australians to be part of its energy research by providing valuable information that will improve understanding of the way households consume, generate and interact with energy. By using the new CSIRO Energise app, ‘citizen scientists’ will help to paint a clearer picture of contemporary energy use to guide research and decisions concerning Australia’s energy future.
Seal Spotter
End date: Ongoing
Be a citizen scientist and help Dr Bec McIntosh and other scientists monitor populations of seals around Phillip Island in Victoria, Australia. Images are captured by drones and then you count the number of seals in the photo. Dr McIntosh said participants feedback was that they found it ‘addictive’ and relaxing’.
You can GET INVOLVED via the Phillip Island Nature Parks website.
17/05/2018 Sustainable Development News article:
Fur seal numbers in Victoria monitored by armchair scientists using drone footage | ABC News
If you’re looking for the latest mindfulness craze or an alternative to counting sheep at night, perhaps you should try seal spotting. The new citizen science project allows you to help adorable seal pups.
Feather Map Australia Project
End date: Running until 2018
“Wetlands around Australia are under threat from reduced river flows and flooding, drought, climate change and land use changes. Wetlands are habitats that are critical for Australia’s waterbirds. They provide places for nesting, feeding and roosting. For many species of waterbirds, flooded wetlands are essential for nesting. Without floods and river flows many waterbirds don’t breed. This project will collect information on which wetlands waterbirds use, how they use them and wetland health.” More information can be found on the project website.
Read how to GET INVOLVED by collecting feathers from a wetland area near you.
15/08/2016 Sustainable Development News article:
Nuclear physics uses single feather to track and help save Australian waterbirds
Scientists are using nuclear physics to track and potentially save Australia’s declining waterbird numbers — and they are doing it with discarded feathers… Project leader Kate Brandis wants the public to get involved. She wants you to send her as many waterbird feathers as possible. “So when they go travelling around Australia or visit their local wetlands if they see any feathers on the ground or in the water, pick them up and post them in to us so that we can analyse them and add them to our feather map,” she said.